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Welcome to the Arc Plugins documentation portal!

Arc Plugins are a collection of plugins published by Puny Human on the Unreal Marketplace. They are designed for multiplayer games across many genres, and built to empower developers to create amazing games without having to rewrite all the boilerplate for common systems. They are all highly performant, shipping in multiple titles, and multiplayer focused.

The Plugins

  • Arc Inventory


    Arc Inventory is a Gameplay Ability System based inventory solution that allows for the creation of ability-powered items and inventory management, and can slot seamlessly into your GAS-based game. Arc Inventory is built from the ground up for multiplayer, and supports everything from passive items, active items, stacking items, and more. Using Arc Inventory, you can create shooter gameplay, RPG gameplay, and even procedurally generate items or create an attachment system.

    Unreal MarketplaceDocumentation

  • Arc Teams


    Arc Teams is a networked multiplayer solution that allows for the creation of Teams and other segmentation methods for players. Arc Teams was built from the ground up to support networked multiplayer games. It powers multiple games, each with different styles of segmenting players. ArcTeams supports both runtime and design time Team Definitions, allowing you to create any type of Team.

    Unreal MarketplaceDocumentation

And more to come!