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Initial Setup

Thanks for purchasing Arc Inventory! Once you've downloaded the plugin and enabled it in your project, this is how you start to use it!


This plugin uses a lot of other Unreal Engine concepts to achieve full functionality. It's recommended that you have a firm grasp on Unreal Engine, GAS, and Gameplay Tags

Optional: Configuring the Asset Manager

Arc Inventory supports the Asset Manager to dynamically load items! To set that up, you simply need to configure the Primary Asset Types for the Arc Inventory types.

In the Unreal Editor, go to View -> Project Settings. Select the Asset Manager category within Game.

Add two entries in the Primary Asset Types to Scan array, and set them to be the following information:

Asset Manager Setup

In your DefaultGame.ini, add the following tags to the [/Script/Engine.AssetManagerSettings] section (Create it if it doesn't exist)



When to load asset data and best practices around the Asset Manager is out of scope for this documentation, but for development it is often easy to just load all assets of these types at game startup.

For UE 4.26, Configuring Arc Inventory


As of Unreal Engine 4.27, Configuring Arc Inventory is no longer needed. If you use previous version of Arc Inventory, this section is still necissary.

Your first step will be to configure the necissary tags for Arc Inventory's internal functions. These are required, and many features will fail to function if these tags are not configured.

In the Unreal Editor, go to View -> Project Settings. Select the Arc Inventory Developer Settings category within Game.


Deprecation Notice

Ability Tag Mappings is deprecated and unused. It will be removed in future versions of Arc Inventory

in DefaultGame.ini the you can configure the following fields with tags:



Ensure that the tags are defined in your GameplayTags.ini or however else you've configured gameplay tags!

Once the tags are configured, the Plugin is setup and ready to go! You are ready to add the Inventory Component to your player!